Sylvie Koziel
Visitor (KTH), 2023
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Sylvie Koziel has a diversified education and experience working in the fields of agronomy, energy and climate economics, electrical engineering and computer science. She received her MSc in agronomy from AgroParisTech, and specialized in Energy and Environmental economics at the Center of Atomic Energy and IFP School. Her interdisciplinary background enabled her to work with different organizations in France and Switzerland: she advised private companies, as well as public authorities on topics related to oil and gas company strategies, energy consumption modeling and implementation of climate mitigation measures. She then decided to dedicate to research and is currently enrolled as a PhD student at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden), with a focus on smart grids. In particular, she is looking into the use of data to improve grid reliability in a profitable way, in the context of the integration of renewable distributed generation and electric vehicles into distribution grids. In the first years of her PhD, she performed a research visit at the National Institute for Informatics in Tokyo (Japan). She has written a total of 23 publications, including 6 academic papers, and collaborates closely with utilities to develop solutions in the highly strategic field of smart grids.
Last updated: 2024-11-21